Food Waste pt. 2: Waste Watchers

Last March, National Geographic featured an article about food waste on its front cover. The article featured Tristram Stuart, a chef and food waste activist, who has traveled the world, meeting with farmers and learning about their waste habits. He visits a Kenyan farmer who shares that he rejects 40 tons of green beans, broccoli, … More Food Waste pt. 2: Waste Watchers

Is obesity a national security risk?

“BY THE YEAR 2020, ONLY TWO OUT OF EVERY 10 RECRUITS WILL BE ABLE TO MEET THE WEIGHT-FITNESS QUALIFICATIONS TO SERVE.” — DR. GREGORY POLAND This probing article reveals the scarier side of our obesity epidemic. It explains that weight is the n.1 impediment to eligibility in the armed services.

Success Stories

In a progress report, Greenmarket and the Council on the Environment of NYC address skeptics of the Greenmarket and Health Bucks system. Since the EBT initiative in farmer’s markets, in which shoppers can choose to pay with their food stamps, not only have EBT sales gone up, but more and more markets are accepting … More Success Stories

Food Waste: Part 1

As I continue this project, I become increasingly sensitive to everyday manifestations of poverty. Whereas before, I was skeptical of subway panhandlers, I now “buy into” their dramatic, devastating stories. Most of the time, they are asking for money for another subway ticket, or food. I give what I can, including whatever snacks like granola bars … More Food Waste: Part 1

Addressing the Obesity Epidemic though Education

In Harlem, the root of the obesity epidemic lies in multiple factors. First, there is the issue of access. A survey (coming soon!) of the streets of Harlem shows that there is very limited access to supermarkets, farmers markets, and other sources of fresh foods. The primary source of food for low income Harlem residents … More Addressing the Obesity Epidemic though Education