Food Waste pt. 2: Waste Watchers

Last March, National Geographic featured an article about food waste on its front cover. The article featured Tristram Stuart, a chef and food waste activist, who has traveled the world, meeting with farmers and learning about their waste habits. He visits a Kenyan farmer who shares that he rejects 40 tons of green beans, broccoli, … More Food Waste pt. 2: Waste Watchers

Food Waste: Part 1

As I continue this project, I become increasingly sensitive to everyday manifestations of poverty. Whereas before, I was skeptical of subway panhandlers, I now “buy into” their dramatic, devastating stories. Most of the time, they are asking for money for another subway ticket, or food. I give what I can, including whatever snacks like granola bars … More Food Waste: Part 1

What Is a Food Desert?

Good question. To answer that, first, I want to share a few statistics with you. In a survey published by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, it was shown that 65.4% of stores in Central Harlem, and 66.2% in East Harlem, were bodegas. Bodegas are small grocery-stores, with convenient hours and locations. However, bodegas … More What Is a Food Desert?